Wednesday evening,  the mountains of Leh were covered with a blanket of snow.  The commander had issued us emergency of a snow storm and our squad was all ready to face it.  Sitting in my tent,  I was gazing at my wallet which had a picture of my wife, Smriti and my daughter Aradhya.  Being in army is a tough job!!  On an occasion, I remember Colonel Mahesh telling me that If u choose Army, it is better that u remain a bachelor.  This statement always made me think upon my decisions.  Due to caesefire violations at border, my leaves often got cancelled, It had been 2 years since I had met my daughter but i used to speak to her over phone.  Vishnu was listening to radio, which was our main source of news at 6 P.M and we never missed it.  The president was addressing the nation as it was Independence eve.  Tomorrow was a big day, the Day when all of us celebrated our Independence Day!!  Discussing about the celebrations,  suddenly Vikramaditya, who was nicknamed vikky shouted- "Major, for tomorrow morning, we need a Flag, and that flag is at station below."

I got up and glared him for sometime, inspite of knowing that tomorrow is the most important day, he did such a big blunder, it was a dilemma.  The problem was that if I send Vikky back into the station, he will get marshalled, and if i dont send him, then tomorrow morning, Lieutenent Colonel will call in a Court Marshell for me, I came outside the tent and looked towards the sky, snow flakes were everywhere,  I looked at Vikky and said- " You are such an idiot!!  get me a vehicle, and come with me to the station, I issued a warning to the patrol squad through that interrupting wireless.

After 20 minutes me and Vikramaditya started moving towards the station,  800 meters at point B, the vehicle gave itself. That day I knew that my luck is not that good.  while Vikramaditya was working on it, we heard a painfull echo of a man.  I was quick, I told Vikramaditya to repair the vehicle and with a protective riflemoved in the direction of the voice, after walking 200 meters, I saw a body lying near a cave,  I went and checked him, he was alive, he needed warmth,  I took him inside the cave and lit a small fire,  adding to that I made him drink few sips of brandy, so that his body remains warm.  The snow storm Increased, the winds, were strong outside and snow was depositing outside the cave.  I wanted to take him out but the strong winds were wild and carried everything that came in their way!!  I tried wireless but it went out of reach!!  the scenario was clear!!  the chances of survival were reducing slowly!!  I remembered my father saying- " Before you help others, make sure you are safe" and immediately I remembered the golden words of Army " Countrymen first and then it is you"  everything started appearing as a superstition when I saw life going away slowly!!I took out my wallet and hugged it and sat down in a corner and quietly starred at the body from a distance!! After sometime, there were few noises outside, I could hear shovel sounds,  and then there was a small ray of sunlight!! the snow was getting cleared. Due to cold, I was in a state of rigor, i saw Vikramaditya  and Vishnu running towards me to help me out!!  I came out to see the shining ray of sun falling on the beautiful mountains covered with snow but immediately I looked back, Vikram and Vishnu were not alone, they had two more people with them, one was that man who was inside the cave, and other was unknown to me.  BUT.....they wore brown uniforms.

I looked with utmost horror, they were Pakistanis.  before I could react, the other man came forward and said- " Major Bakshy!! Nice to meet you, This is Major Gilani from Pakistan, do not worry, you are safe!!  you saved my soldier , The whole of Pakistan is thankful to you and don`t worry, we are on 'NO MAN'S LAND'

Then the whole picture was cleared!!  the man in the cave was Yusuf, a Pakistani soldier, he got caught in the snowstorm and I saved his life!!  At a distance I could see Indian flag fluttering with full pride,  the most important fact was Yusuf was at the point to make preparation for a hoisting stand where Indian flag could be hoisted!!  after listening to all this I just said with tears in my eyes " I hope we never meet again at  borders"

Friends, we often come across conflicts within two nations, but the soldiers and common men in the countries never want a conflict, whenever there is a war, both the sides are effected equally!! May be it is due to a myth that we are rivals, until we do not know each other, we work for humanity, unknowingly we help each-other but when we know that we are from different countries why do we disrespect each-other?  The best of bonds are always hidden in dark times!!  Do not degrade humanity over politics,  as far as terrorism is concerned, terrorism has no religion, no country and no position in this world.  It remains as an unwanted entity.                       


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