Marriage, a ceremony believed to be a union of two souls in the presence of almighty.  All of us reading this will have to admit that our hearts choose the souls which they want to be with, I may sound like Olivander of Harry potter but if we introspect, our hearts actually choose the souls they wanna be with.
The tale of today is a true story, the characters of the story are genuine and I expect that in due course all reading this story will definitely recognise the characters.
The story begins with a 23 year old, short heighten guy wearing a white shirt with sleeves fold with a blue half sweater on and brown coloured trousers, standing at a hill point.  Tears were rolling out of his eyes which he just wiped it off under his glasses and pretended as if he wasn`t disturbed.  Aaryan, a student of  Central University of science had almost lost his senses when Snigdha, his classmate came and proposed him.  That was probably the happiest day of his life and it was as if he lived his entire life in one day. 

Aaryan and Snigdha loved spending time with each other, they had no secrets, trusted each other completely and also complemented each other.  But, this wasn`t a perfect love story, this story started when both were 17, but as time moved on the love story changed. 

Year 2011, it was Snigdha`s birthday, And as usual Aaryan was busy planning a party for her, but this day Snigdha was not much happy, she was rather in a dilemma.   Aaryan saw Snigdha in this dilemma and thought that time has come to reveal the actual surprise.  Aaryan goes slowly towards Snigdha, bends down on his knees and presents a box out of his court revealing a shining ring which had A written on it.  Snigdha saw that and started crying in tears, which Aaryan had never expected.  Aaryan got up and wiped her tears, and asked “ Sweet, do you have anything to tell?” 
Snigdha saw into his expecteing eyes and said “ I am Sorry Babloo, I dint want to hide this but…..but….”

“ but what?” Aaryan asked

“ but…I know you love me more but I can`t go ahead with you….we were really just good friends… good that Infactuation appeared as love…” Said snigdha sobbing.
“Infactuation…..Snigdha…..our souls are connected, I feel for you…how can this be infactuation?” asked Aaryan.

“ Babloo, you appeared to me cute when you were 17 but now…that charm is gone…..look at you, you don’t have a proper beard, your body drools over, you can`t be my choice of guy…..our souls were never connected, they were always open to choose people so move on........” said Snigdha.

“ Your choice of guy?....I thought love is by hearts, I dint know love is a game for you… know what I am sorry…..” saying so Aaryan just left.

After that no meetings, no texts, no dates, and no love.  Aaryan was completely broken, he indulged into movies, friends, got stupid at many points, laughed to stop his tears but Snigdha was no where in the scene. He kept waiting for a step from her side but never got any.
After one month, Aaryan got a courier at his home , when he opened the courier, he collapsed on a chair nearby…..the courier read

“ Snigdha weds Sourav”
Sourav Rai, the guy who was the closest partner for Aaryan, one who always helped him to go ahead…..Did it mean that Snigdha was never interested in him, was it really a game?

“ Love is just a game” muttered Aaryan and tore the card into pieces.  Never ever after that Aaryan mentioned about this incident and his perception of love changed.
Dear readers, this story is not any story with morals or any biography, rather it is a question,

“Does true love really exist?

Everybody in this world wants a person who can complement him, who can ask him about his wishes, who can have empathy and sympathy for him and be his best friend without any conditions.  A good heart might be more important than good looks, good looks are depreciation assets which fade away with time but attractive looks, but a good heart cries for when you lie in grave.



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