“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”
The words above, were quoted by a man, who turned his name into a blaspheme.  The man who carved an era, so dark that history preserved it in the shadiest corner of her heart.  This man is recognized today in history as Adolf Hitler, A leader who changed the definition of world leadership and turned it into a curse for generations to come.  The raise of his right hand wrote down death for thousands and imprisonment for innumerable Jews.  But as it is said that every stonehearted person has a prerequisite for love in some corner of temperament and thus, even Hitler left behind a short but extraordinary love story during his last days. Within a burning State of Germany, the lady who ruled the darkest mind in history and dictated the cruelest heart of all times is recognized today as Eva Braun. 
          The first episode of this love story began at Hoffmann studios, Munich in October 1929.  Adolf had come to meet his photographer subordinate, where his wild ferocious eyes fell upon a 17-year-old girl, who was modelling for her uncle.  As soon as the beauty and the beast came face to face, those wild eyes transformed to gentle ones and the strong commanding lips gave a warm smile.  The fragrance of love made the spears of cupid pierce the heart of this gentle lady, who had preserved her smiles for the dictator.  Adolf had started to discover a feeling which was way above all his present ones.  He turned down towards love, a love of a 17-year-old girl which was being written unconditionally by destiny on a crumbled paper.  Even though, Eva experienced the same feelings as Adolf, there were certain shortcomings.  The epochal love was facing the outcomes of the social sins done by Hitler.  Adolf`s image was now a temporary lifeline to his fandom, very soon critics had started looking at the other face of coin.    
In February 1931, Adolf`s alleged affair with his half niece came into the scenario.  Eva chose not to not react to the allegations but deep-down she was broken; her heart was muddled with all kind of assumptions which made the feelings of betrayal prominent in her.  Adolf secretly tried reaching her for re-establishment of his image but due to political pressures and conflicts, he had to go underground.  Meanwhile facing all the rejections from her one sided love, Adolf`s niece committed suicide.  It was a foul play of her mind with her heart.  The curses of the trouble never revealed her the fact that how close was Adolf to her, but instead they chose to take revenge from the tyrant. 
          Adolf Hitler who portrayed himself as the Iron man of world, was breaking down now.  Never ever his heart was so secluded.  He felt all those rejections, that came from his own people, his love and himself as a burden on his heart.  But all these abhorrence, had started to build a pyre, a pyre which demanded sacrifices of thousand and finally it was delivered as a Holocaust.  Ten thousand people were uffocated to death in gas filled furnaces.  But Hitler did not shed a drop of tear from his eyes.  The loneliness and cruelty of Adolf made him a fire which had started engulfing everyone in his line of sight. 
          The flames of detestation, denial and sorrow also touched Eva Braun.  The detachment from her love, and culpability of cruelty in Adolf`s heart had become the root cause of despair in her.  Finally, when the burden became more agonizing, Eva decided not to live with it anymore, she leaped towards the table and picked up the knife and with the picture of Adolf in her eyes, she stabbed herself.  Was this the end? 
          Situations might be prejudiced but Hitler`s love was being supported by his destiny.  Eva`s suicide attempt failed, not once but twice.  The calling of the love was not one sided, this was being directed by their destiny.  Hitler and Eva now came even more close but due to the sins of holocaust, Hitler was now undergrounded ceaselessly.  His image had banished from the hearts of the people but Eva remained faithful in this long-distance relationship also.  Those moments of intimacy, when both walked through the streets of Bergdorf, smoking cigars and talking about the beautiful winters were now only in memories.  Eva and Adolf now communicated only through secret letters. While Hitler`s army was fighting the World war, Hitler himself was a prisoner of memories.  He remembered those times of secret relationship when Eva used to knock him on nose for making a mockery of her cosmetics and such exchange of emotions which would touch his heart while the cigars turned into ashes demonstrating the time.
          Adolf was a stern soul but somewhere now he was feeling remorseful about the path that he had chosen. He wanted to return, but it is not easy to turn back after having created mountains amidst a sea.  The sins of holocaust were now erupting as a volcano, which now had engulfed all the credibility of Adolf.  The only support and blind trust which Hitler had was on his love.  In all these tensed up environment, the allies of Adolf turned against him, and there was an assassination attempt. 
          Eva was more possessive now, after the failed attempt she took a vow to be with Hitler like a shadow.  Adolf decided to enter a live-in relationship with Eva.  He now took her to a new place, his bunker in Berlin.   The lady who stayed by her love always was now the last loyal member in his family.  By 1944, Hitler had lost all his influence of Germany.  He was now a declared Criminal who was on a run. 
 28 April 1944, Hitler was house arrested, the armed forces, based on speculations were on a hunt near his bunkers and Hitler realised that he had only two options either surrender to political death or die for his image.  He went to Eva and laid his hands before her.

“Eva, my love, you realise the time has come, no one would love me as you love me now, but I want my love to live.” 

Hitler sat down near Eva who was in tears.  He further continued:

“My love, forget your Frau, live the life of the allies and my soul shall remain with you.”

The sound of the sob was getting sharper and sharper.  Listening to all these Eva ran up to him and fell on his lap.

“Frau, consider my eyes! This love, this affection, do you distrust them?  For Eva has not loved Frau`s reputation but has loved Frau, not to betray him at last moment like the allies.  From our first meeting, I swore to follow you anywhere even unto death because I live only for your love.”

Those continuous insist by Eva was now a dilemma to Adolf.  The cruel Heart of an adamant Dictator had lost to Eva`s love.  He got up and went to the main space where his last loyal staff stood and gave his last command:

“Ring the wedding bells, for the next hour, this very place will host the wedding of Frau Hitler and Fraulein Braun.”

As soon as Hitler completed, the staff together raised their hands in cheers shouted, “Hail Hitler” 
          The next hour, the last loyal of Hitler witnessed the most beautiful wedding of Germany.  Adolf chose his army uniform with well-polished baton, his hair neatly combed and moustache defining its own style, but in comparison, Eva was like a princess, the red gown of silk which was like rose petals embedded on her white skin and silky Black hair flowing down in curl and gently placing them over her shoulders.  The crowd stood in absolute silence to see their master and mistress like angels from heaven.

“I, Adolf Hitler, from now on, in the presence of trinity and by word of God, and with complete authority and faith in Christ, accept Madame Eva Braun as my life partner and by living in Christ pledge my life, honesty, dedication toward my wife as I pledged towards my country.”

The roaring voice silenced the flowing winds outside as though even angels from heaven were witnessing to this magnificent wedding.   But, the calmness of nature increased with opening of Eva.
Eva, with tears in her eyes stepped forward and acknowledged the flower bouquet from Adolf, she then beheld the Holy Bible and said:

“Me, Eva Braun, by the Holy word of God, in presence of holy spirit and with complete faith in Christ, from now on accept General Adolf Hitler as my life partner and pledge my faithfulness, sincerity, honesty, confidentiality towards him and only him.”

Saying so she ran towards Hitler and kissed him.  The sun had set and it was time to build a stronger relationship.  Adolf and Eva went into their enclosure to spend their marriage together.  That night was a night when love as at its peak, a night when the divine spirit of love ascended in them and made them one soul, a soul which can never be separated.
          The next day morning, Adolf and Eva hosted a grand breakfast for their entire staff, Adolf was never this happy before, he wanted to go out of his bunkers and enjoy the snow in Berlin but was not permitted.  The staff rejoiced, danced and celebrated for hours and hours without a pause.  Adolf was living his entire life in those hours but soon, his happiness broke like a glass.
          By evening, Hitler was warned of shortage of food supplies and emergency curfews near the bunkers, he had very less sources left to support his staff.  Adolf sent his men for armory inspection which turned out to be a fact of disappointment.  Adolf, looked at Eva.  He did not cry but his heart was pouring out.  He sent one of his most loyal man to assess the situation outside.  It was almost midnight but Hitler couldn’t sleep.  Eva saw this anxiety in him and said:

“Frau, do not worry for your men, for men will come and men will go but I shall follow you unto death.”

These words broke the bondage in Adolf`s thoughts and he slept peacefully.
By morning when the man did not return, Adolf was informed about it.  Hitler quietly went to his encroachment and sat down reading few diaries as though he was going through his entire life in few hours.  Eva looked at him with tears in his eyes.  This man had lost everything, his house, his freedom, his respect, everything.  His friends also had betrayed him and all he had at this moment was Eva and their future.  After hours, Adolf came out of his study, he walked up to Eva and said:

“My love, help me understand myself now, I….”

Before Adolf could complete, Eva closed his mouth and said

“let us talk with love as we do”

Saying so Eva held Hitler`s hand and lead him into the bedroom, the place where their wedding night was spent and then she closed the door.  Adolf sat down on the couch and Eva helplessly looked at him with tears in her eyes. After a long pause, she asked:
“Frau, is this your final decision?”

And Hitler replied:

“Yes! My love.  I can die in your love but not stay alive in the hands of impure.  Adolf Hitler, served this country to rejuvenate purity and life back.  Ask the pure, when has he stepped back to protect them.  But now, it is over, I lost my wars and anytime, the extruders will capture this place.  Eva, As Hitler lived and as he will die, his country shall stand always”

Eva listened to his emotions with tears in her eyes and she said:

“Frau!! Let`s do it!  Let this end.  I love you and no one can separate us, not even death!” 

saying so Eva got the gun from the bed and handed it over to Hitler.  Hitler looked at the Gun and stood up.  He stepped towards Eva and they had their last kiss. Although they did not want to this moment to end but Adolf now came back.  Eva was now crying out loud as she stood watching Hitler put the Gun on his forehead.

“Good bye... my Love!”

Then the people outside heard a Gunshot.  Five minutes it took them to break the door, and when the door opened, the scenario was distressing.  Adolf was lying on his back on the bed soaked in blood and Eva lay at his foot with frothy saliva drooling with blood and face pale and blue, she had fulfilled her promise by consuming cyanide.

Today, No one remembers this love story but everybody somewhere or the other have a judgmental attitude towards any prospering love story of society.  Who says that for a successful marriage, there should be a matching required? For the success of a family and fulfillment of marriage, the only thing required is love.  And love, marriages, relationships don`t have boundaries, they are established for eternity.  We don`t know what happens after death.  Was the dictator`s wedding only for 46 hours or did the souls unite for ever?  


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