Prisoner Of Time

Both of them boarded their respective flights and reached Chennai on the 27 November and headed towards the exit. They reached Chennai on different time intervals but were received by a lion`s club agent at the exit gate.

Now comes a mysterious part. Madhurika asks the agent about the details of valedictory function but he does not give a satisfactory reply, now there is a doubt in her mind about this whole function, May be this was a prank? but she still has the letter. Her suspicion is just supported by the letter. “I should have confirmed this order before taking a decision...” she has been thinking this throughout her journey.

After half an hour, Madhurika reached hotel Paradise, which is her stay for the next three days.

Same was the condition for Rohit.  In a dilemma where he was also being troubled by the same question.

 “By this time I should had been interrogated by press but all of them are silent as if there is nothing…is it actually there?” his mind triggered.

His stay was scheduled in Hotel Green Chair for three days; he confirms his checking in the hotel. The booking was done by Miss Adeline on behalf of rotary club.

The doubts made him restless.

Misled by all these doubts he called on the prescribed number “9…2.07…89…123…0” there is a ring and on the other side it was a sweet melodious lady-“hello IISC” as government institutions do.

“Hello this is Rohit Mathur; I received an invitation for the valedictory function….” Rohit was incomplete as he was interrupted.

“Good evening sir…hope you have reached the hotel…our assistant will be there tomorrow to tell you about the details of venue and strategy.” Came a reply in sweet and familiar voice.

“Have we met before??, your voice looks familiar” enquired Rohit.

“May be... (Laughs)...Ok bye...Have a great evening sir. (Laughs)” and the lady puts the receiver. 

Rohit is puzzled….after all, these usually happen in creepy movies, where u come across a familiar voice who is expected to b some spirit. Rohit was confused and the confusion was followed by a knock.




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