Prisoner Of Time

Disturbed by a table alarm, Rohit got up with a jerk.  Within a span of few seconds, his nose was irritated by a strong smell of caffeine mixed with cocoa powder….I mean strong coffee.    Smelling the aroma, Rohit muttered-“coffee”.  And then, a sweet and miraculous voice penetrated into the carved streets of his ear-“Rise and shine….get down fast dear…” Aditi, Rohit`s wife was ready with their morning coffee.  It was a pleasant Monday and Aditi had as usual prepared breakfast for her husband and had given him a wakeup call.  It was her daily routine.  

After a wash, Rohit came down to the hall where both Aditi and his coffee were waiting for him.  Rohit, as his usual habit picked up the news paper and read the headlines and then unusually slammed it on the table. 
“I knew you would do this.  I don`t understand it has been 8 years” Aditi exclaims. 
“8 years…so what?  In fact no one realizes how I pass each day and every year when I am on verge of forgetting that incident, the world reminds me of it.  It is the same day again…8th anniversary” Rohit replies in frustration.”
26/11 may be a normal date for any other person, and may also be a remembrance for many people but for Rohit it is the day when 10 terrorists killed 112 people mercilessly, 
Which included Rohit`s younger sister.
Rohit was sad on this loss, as it was Irretrievable, but what made him more annoyed was that her murderer was still Alive, well even after the hanging of Ajmal Ali Kasab, the sole survivor among the 10 terrorists, he wasn`t happy as the original culprit was still alive.

Aditi confronted him, she said-“after all, we have no proof and we cannot punish him due to lack of morality.”  

“that`s what troubles me, this person is responsible for a murder and our government awards him as a rescuer.  He is a traitor, I don`t believe that we had ever shaked hands.” Replies Rohit. 
After a while It`s 7 in watch and Rohit is getting ready for his office, he works as an software engineer in Tata Consultancy Service. With breakfast on table Aditi was about to give him a call, just then there was a ring on door.  Aditi opened the door and there stood a postman-“it`s a letter madam.”

Letters!! in this email era??  whose letter was it?

Next episode:7th february 2016


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