Haunted Lies part 1

The missing page

Introduction is not mandatory, but still I want to share some experience.  If one had to define love how would he do so?  A feeling or perhaps a sensation of pleasure, for some it may be priceless, but I would define it as a belief and an unreciprocated feeling which obeys no boundary.  Sometimes words may not define them.  My name is Aryan and I am a bank employee.  I have a son, Prithvi.  He can neither listen nor speak.  My wife Priya left all of us 2 years ago.  Since then I often see Prithvi in his own world.  He sits in a corner and draws like children do.  He behaves like lunatic people speaking to air through sign languages and if I try to interact he gets scared.  Worried for him, I called Dr. Swami, child psychologists for differently able children.  Dr. Swami spent his valuable time with Prithvi and one day he turned up with his eyes full of water.  I asked him what happened. Then he started making things clear.  He said-“look Aryan, I have dealt with several cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder in my career but prithvi is not a patient.”  I was amazed at this statement.  He further continued-“the fact that he is not a patient came into picture when I examined him for first time.  He was quiet and doing silently each normal activity.  His I.Q was above average and health perfectly alright.”  I interrupted-“then why did he behave odd at times.”  To this Dr. Swami showed me few paintings which Prithvi makes.  All of them had a lady with a small boy at different locations.  They were randomly scribbled but conveyed the artist`s state of mind.  And one painting was next to perfect, perhaps a coincidence but prithvi had made few random strokes on a cardboard and made a beautiful angel which almost looked like Priya. To all this I said-“ I am confused doctor, please help me out.”  To this Dr. Swami said-“ Aryan, today I got rid of my confusion too…  in Psychology, there is a very old but unproven concept-Afterlife.  Prithvi is a victim of it.”  I almost yelled-“Doctor, are you mad?  You mean…..” before I could complete the doctor gave his reply-“Aryan, today while examining I saw your late wife, with Prithvi.  He speaks to her everyday and makes these paintings on her.  Even after death she is not able to separate herself from her son`s emotions…or let me say love…initially I was confused but Prithvi told me about his interactions and then it was all clear.”   I was speechless on all these, I just went near Priya`s garlanded photo and said-“I am sorry.”


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